Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Very Disappointing Thursday

LAST week. A friend and I were hanging out in town. We shall call her Zeep. (My friends little cousin calls her that. Cute isn't it?) Anyway whilst window shopping found that a Jewelery store was going to be having a sale the following week and upon looking at all the amazing jewelery not to mention the PRICES! I planned with my friend that we would totally ditch class that day go on a shopping spree....

Some shopping spree that turned out to be...
To add also I did not realize that this is how this whole sale thing works. I had never been before and neither had Zeep. Trust me I have learnt my lesson and am not in any rush to be doing this all over again any time soon.

So all week I could not wait for Thursday to roll around. I woke up Thursday morning excited, (bit cold)... Mum drove me to Zeep's bus stop so that we would end up not waiting for one another when we reached there. We got there a TAD early. The sale started at 9, we got there at 7:50... So we decided to kill time and went to Starbucks, we then left happy, warm, excited and full of joy, Of what we thought was coming our way. O the earrings, the necklaces the rings! :)

But.....Reaching the store we could not believe that there was already such a big Que awaiting us. :O. We both looked at each other a bit concerned. But still in the spirit of things. And nothing was going to spoil our start to the day.

And we did not get up this early and not to mention missing our lectures to not come out with anything. So we waited and we waited and we then waited some more. In line in the freezing cold for TWO and A HALF HOURS! Did I mention COLD and o yeh TWO AND A HALF HOURS .... My feet. Numb. My ears. Cold. Me. Hungry.

When it was finally reached our turn all the good stuff was gone and we were both tired, hungry, angry and very disappointed at how our day had been. Although I forgot to add I did end up buying some very pretty earrings that I thought of originally buying. But that still doesn't make up for anything. It doesn't really balance out that well when you just come out with a pair of earrings.

Lesson: Get there early or just don't bother full stop.

O best part of my day was when ending back to catch my last lecture of the day, there was a mini donuts stall parked right outside our library and since I had no feeling left in my fingers I decided holding the bag full of warm donuts would cheer me up! and it did. I sure do love my DONUTS! I felt so much better than before. So I ate my warm donuts all the way to accounting....

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